Source code for cameo.strain_design.deterministic.linear_programming

# Copyright 2015 Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability, DTU.

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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This module contains algorithms based on linear programming techniques, including mixed-integer linear programming

from __future__ import print_function

import logging
import warnings

import numpy
from IProgress.progressbar import ProgressBar
from IProgress.widgets import Bar, Percentage
from pandas import DataFrame
from sympy import Add

import cobra
from cobra.util import fix_objective_as_constraint
from cobra.exceptions import OptimizationError
from cobra.flux_analysis import find_essential_reactions

from cameo import config
from cameo import ui
from cameo.core.model_dual import convert_to_dual
from cameo.core.strain_design import StrainDesignMethodResult, StrainDesignMethod, StrainDesign
from import ReactionKnockoutTarget
from cameo.core.utils import get_reaction_for
from cameo.flux_analysis.analysis import phenotypic_phase_plane, flux_variability_analysis
from cameo.flux_analysis.simulation import fba
from cameo.flux_analysis.structural import find_coupled_reactions_nullspace
from cameo.util import reduce_reaction_set, decompose_reaction_groups

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = ["OptKnock"]

[docs]class OptKnock(StrainDesignMethod): """ OptKnock. OptKnock solves a bi-level optimization problem, finding the set of knockouts that allows maximal target production under optimal growth. Parameters ---------- model : cobra.Model A model to be used for finding optimal knockouts. Always set a non-zero lower bound on biomass reaction before using OptKnock. exclude_reactions : iterable of str or Reaction objects Reactions that will not be knocked out. Excluding reactions can give more realistic results and decrease running time. Essential reactions and exchanges are always excluded. remove_blocked : boolean (default True) If True, reactions that cannot carry flux (determined by FVA) will be removed from the model. This reduces running time significantly. fraction_of_optimum : If not None, this value will be used to constrain the inner objective (e.g. growth) to a fraction of the optimal inner objective value. If inner objective is not constrained manually this argument should be used. (Default: None) exclude_non_gene_reactions : If True (default), reactions that are not associated with genes will not be knocked out. This results in more practically relevant solutions as well as shorter running times. use_nullspace_simplification: Boolean (default True) Use a basis for the nullspace to find groups of reactions whose fluxes are multiples of each other. From each of these groups only 1 reaction will be included as a possible knockout Examples -------- >>> from cameo import models >>> from cameo.strain_design.deterministic import OptKnock >>> model = models.bigg.e_coli_core >>> model.reactions.Biomass_Ecoli_core_w_GAM.lower_bound = 0.1 >>> model.solver = "gurobi" # Using gurobi or cplex is recommended >>> optknock = OptKnock(model) >>> result =, target="EX_ac_e", max_results=3) """ def __init__(self, model, exclude_reactions=None, remove_blocked=True, fraction_of_optimum=0.1, exclude_non_gene_reactions=True, use_nullspace_simplification=True, *args, **kwargs): super(OptKnock, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._model = model.copy() self._original_model = model if "gurobi" in config.solvers:"Changing solver to Gurobi and tweaking some parameters.") if "gurobi_interface" not in model.solver.interface.__name__: model.solver = "gurobi" # The tolerances are set to the minimum value. This gives maximum precision. problem = model.solver.problem problem.params.NodeMethod = 1 # primal simplex node relaxation problem.params.FeasibilityTol = 1e-9 problem.params.OptimalityTol = 1e-3 problem.params.IntFeasTol = 1e-9 problem.params.MIPgapAbs = 1e-9 problem.params.MIPgap = 1e-9 elif "cplex" in config.solvers: logger.debug("Changing solver to cplex and tweaking some parameters.") if "cplex_interface" not in self._model.solver.interface.__name__: self._model.solver = "cplex" problem = self._model.solver.problem problem.parameters.mip.strategy.startalgorithm.set(1) problem.parameters.simplex.tolerances.feasibility.set(1e-8) problem.parameters.simplex.tolerances.optimality.set(1e-8) problem.parameters.mip.tolerances.integrality.set(1e-8) problem.parameters.mip.tolerances.absmipgap.set(1e-8) problem.parameters.mip.tolerances.mipgap.set(1e-8) else: warnings.warn("You are trying to run OptKnock with %s. This might not end well." % self._model.solver.interface.__name__.split(".")[-1]) if fraction_of_optimum is not None: fix_objective_as_constraint(self._model, fraction=fraction_of_optimum) blocked = self._remove_blocked_reactions() if remove_blocked else [] if exclude_reactions: # Convert exclude_reactions to reaction ID's exclude_reactions = [ if isinstance(r, cobra.core.Reaction) else r for r in exclude_reactions ] # if a blocked reaction were in exclude reactions, it would raise # because blocked reactions are removed from the model exclude_reactions = [r_id for r_id in exclude_reactions if r_id not in blocked] for r_id in exclude_reactions: if r_id not in self._model.reactions: raise ValueError("Excluded reaction {} is not in the model".format(r_id)) else: exclude_reactions = [] if exclude_non_gene_reactions: exclude_reactions += [ for r in self._model.reactions if not r.genes] self._build_problem(exclude_reactions, use_nullspace_simplification) def _remove_blocked_reactions(self): fva_res = flux_variability_analysis(self._model, fraction_of_optimum=0) blocked = [ reaction for reaction, row in fva_res.data_frame.iterrows() if (round(row["lower_bound"], config.ndecimals) == round( row["upper_bound"], config.ndecimals) == 0) ] self._model.remove_reactions(blocked) return blocked def _reduce_to_nullspace(self, reactions): self.reaction_groups = find_coupled_reactions_nullspace(self._model) reaction_groups_keys = [set(group) for group in self.reaction_groups] reduced_reactions = reduce_reaction_set(reactions, reaction_groups_keys) return reduced_reactions def _build_problem(self, exclude_reactions, use_nullspace_simplification): logger.debug("Starting to formulate OptKnock problem") self.essential_reactions = find_essential_reactions(self._model, processes=1).union(self._model.boundary) if exclude_reactions: self.exclude_reactions = set.union( self.essential_reactions, set(self._model.reactions.get_by_id(r) for r in exclude_reactions) ) reactions = set(self._model.reactions) - self.exclude_reactions if use_nullspace_simplification: reactions = self._reduce_to_nullspace(reactions) else: self.reaction_groups = None self._make_dual() self._combine_primal_and_dual() logger.debug("Primal and dual successfully combined") y_vars = {} constrained_dual_vars = set() for reaction in reactions: if reaction not in self.exclude_reactions and reaction.lower_bound <= 0 <= reaction.upper_bound: y_var, constrained_vars = self._add_knockout_constraints(reaction) y_vars[y_var] = reaction constrained_dual_vars.update(constrained_vars) self._y_vars = y_vars primal_objective = self._model.solver.objective dual_objective = self._model.solver.interface.Objective.clone( self._dual_problem.objective, model=self._model.solver) reduced_expression = Add(*((c * v) for v, c in dual_objective.expression.as_coefficients_dict().items() if v not in constrained_dual_vars)) dual_objective = self._model.solver.interface.Objective(reduced_expression, direction=dual_objective.direction) optimality_constraint = self._model.solver.interface.Constraint( primal_objective.expression - dual_objective.expression, lb=0, ub=0, name="inner_optimality") self._model.solver.add(optimality_constraint) logger.debug("Inner optimality constrained") logger.debug("Adding constraint for number of knockouts") knockout_number_constraint = self._model.solver.interface.Constraint( Add(*y_vars), lb=len(y_vars), ub=len(y_vars) ) self._model.solver.add(knockout_number_constraint) self._number_of_knockouts_constraint = knockout_number_constraint def _make_dual(self): dual_problem = convert_to_dual(self._model.solver) self._dual_problem = dual_problem logger.debug("Dual problem successfully created") def _combine_primal_and_dual(self): primal_problem = self._model.solver dual_problem = self._dual_problem for var in dual_problem.variables: var = primal_problem.interface.Variable.clone(var) primal_problem.add(var) for const in dual_problem.constraints: const = primal_problem.interface.Constraint.clone(const, model=primal_problem) primal_problem.add(const) def _add_knockout_constraints(self, reaction): interface = self._model.solver.interface y_var = interface.Variable("y_" +, type="binary") self._model.solver.add(interface.Constraint(reaction.flux_expression - 1000 * y_var, ub=0)) self._model.solver.add(interface.Constraint(reaction.flux_expression + 1000 * y_var, lb=0)) constrained_vars = [] if reaction.upper_bound != 0: dual_forward_ub = self._model.solver.variables["dual_" + + "_ub"] self._model.solver.add(interface.Constraint(dual_forward_ub - 1000 * (1 - y_var), ub=0)) constrained_vars.append(dual_forward_ub) if reaction.lower_bound != 0: dual_reverse_ub = self._model.solver.variables["dual_" + + "_ub"] self._model.solver.add(interface.Constraint(dual_reverse_ub - 1000 * (1 - y_var), ub=0)) constrained_vars.append(dual_reverse_ub) return y_var, constrained_vars
[docs] def run(self, max_knockouts=5, biomass=None, target=None, max_results=1, *args, **kwargs): """ Perform the OptKnock simulation Parameters ---------- target: str, Metabolite or Reaction The design target biomass: str, Metabolite or Reaction The biomass definition in the model max_knockouts: int Max number of knockouts allowed max_results: int Max number of different designs to return if found Returns ------- OptKnockResult """ # TODO: why not required arguments? if biomass is None or target is None: raise ValueError('missing biomass and/or target reaction') target = get_reaction_for(self._model, target, add=False) biomass = get_reaction_for(self._model, biomass, add=False) knockout_list = [] fluxes_list = [] production_list = [] biomass_list = [] loader_id = ui.loading() with self._model: self._model.objective = = self._number_of_knockouts_constraint.ub - max_knockouts count = 0 while count < max_results: try: solution = self._model.optimize(raise_error=True) except OptimizationError as e: logger.debug("Problem could not be solved. Terminating and returning " + str(count) + " solutions") logger.debug(str(e)) break knockouts = tuple(reaction for y, reaction in self._y_vars.items() if round(y.primal, 3) == 0) assert len(knockouts) <= max_knockouts if self.reaction_groups: combinations = decompose_reaction_groups(self.reaction_groups, knockouts) for kos in combinations: knockout_list.append({ for r in kos}) fluxes_list.append(solution.fluxes) production_list.append(solution.objective_value) biomass_list.append(solution.fluxes[]) else: knockout_list.append({ for r in knockouts}) fluxes_list.append(solution.fluxes) production_list.append(solution.objective_value) biomass_list.append(solution.fluxes[]) # Add an integer cut y_vars_to_cut = [y for y in self._y_vars if round(y.primal, 3) == 0] integer_cut = self._model.solver.interface.Constraint(Add(*y_vars_to_cut), lb=1, name="integer_cut_" + str(count)) if len(knockouts) < max_knockouts: = self._number_of_knockouts_constraint.ub - len(knockouts) self._model.add_cons_vars(integer_cut) count += 1 ui.stop_loader(loader_id) return OptKnockResult(self._original_model, knockout_list, fluxes_list, production_list, biomass_list,, biomass)
class RobustKnock(StrainDesignMethod): pass class OptKnockResult(StrainDesignMethodResult): __method_name__ = "OptKnock" def __init__(self, model, knockouts, fluxes, production_fluxes, biomass_fluxes, target, biomass, *args, **kwargs): super(OptKnockResult, self).__init__(self._generate_designs(knockouts), *args, **kwargs) self._model = model self._knockouts = knockouts self._fluxes = fluxes self._production_fluxes = production_fluxes self._biomass_fluxes = biomass_fluxes self._target = target self._biomass = biomass self._processed_knockouts = None @staticmethod def _generate_designs(knockouts): designs = [] for knockout_design in knockouts: designs.append(StrainDesign([ReactionKnockoutTarget(ko for ko in knockout_design)])) return designs def _process_knockouts(self): progress = ProgressBar(maxval=len(self._knockouts), widgets=["Processing solutions: ", Bar(), Percentage()]) self._processed_knockouts = DataFrame(columns=["reactions", "size", self._target, "biomass", "fva_min", "fva_max"]) for i, knockouts in progress(enumerate(self._knockouts)): try: with self._model: [self._model.reactions.get_by_id(ko).knock_out() for ko in knockouts] fva = flux_variability_analysis(self._model, fraction_of_optimum=0.99, reactions=[]) self._processed_knockouts.loc[i] = [knockouts, len(knockouts), self.production[i], self.biomass[i], fva.lower_bound(, fva.upper_bound(] except OptimizationError: self._processed_knockouts.loc[i] = [numpy.nan for _ in self._processed_knockouts.columns] @property def knockouts(self): return self._knockouts @property def fluxes(self): return self._fluxes @property def production(self): return self._production_fluxes @property def biomass(self): return self._biomass_fluxes @property def target(self): return self._target def display_on_map(self, index=0, map_name=None, palette="YlGnBu"): with self._model: for ko in self.data_frame.loc[index, "reactions"]: self._model.reactions.get_by_id(ko).knock_out() fluxes = fba(self._model) fluxes.display_on_map(map_name=map_name, palette=palette) def plot(self, plotter, index=0, grid=None, width=None, height=None, title=None, palette=None, **kwargs): wt_production = phenotypic_phase_plane(self._model, objective=self._target, variables=[]) with self._model: for ko in self.data_frame.loc[index, "reactions"]: self._model.reactions.get_by_id(ko).knock_out() mt_production = phenotypic_phase_plane(self._model, objective=self._target, variables=[]) if title is None: title = "Production Envelope" dataframe = DataFrame(columns=["ub", "lb", "value", "strain"]) for _, row in wt_production.iterrows(): _df = DataFrame([[row['objective_upper_bound'], row['objective_lower_bound'], row[], "WT"]], columns=dataframe.columns) dataframe = dataframe.append(_df) for _, row in mt_production.iterrows(): _df = DataFrame([[row['objective_upper_bound'], row['objective_lower_bound'], row[], "MT"]], columns=dataframe.columns) dataframe = dataframe.append(_df) plot = plotter.production_envelope(dataframe, grid=grid, width=width, height=height, title=title,, y_axis_label=self._target, palette=palette) plotter.display(plot) @property def data_frame(self): if self._processed_knockouts is None: self._process_knockouts() data_frame = DataFrame(self._processed_knockouts) data_frame.sort_values("size", inplace=True) data_frame.index = [i for i in range(len(data_frame))] return data_frame def _repr_html_(self): html_string = """ <h3>OptKnock:</h3> <ul> <li>Target: %s</li> </ul> %s""" % (self._target, self.data_frame._repr_html_()) return html_string